Two-Five Cloth is excited to announce the new initiative to help those that were greatly affected by Hurricane Ike (see below!) Also, go to to buy a COOL HOODIE or an Ike Relief T! What an awesome Christmas gift for so many people on your list...and how awesome that you change lives at the same time!!!
Hurricane Ike was the third most destructive hurricane to hit the United States. Damage from Ike in America is estimated at 27 billion dollars, and over 100,000 homes were flooded in Texas. While Ike has come and gone, its devastation will continue to linger as we begin to piece back together what Ike has shattered.
Life for those who survived Ike will forever be changed. Some will mourn the loss of loved ones, while other will return to homes that have been destroyed and jobs that no longer exist. What would you do if you went home today to helplessly find it in ruins? What if your community was destroyed and your life as you knew it had disappeared before your eyes? In your desperation, what would you want others to do for you?
Join with Two-Five this quarter in restoring the lives of those affected by Hurricane Ike. With every shirt purchased from you are changing the lives of those living in the aftermath of Ike. Over 40% of the proceeds from Ike relief shirts and 25% of all other shirts go towards providing food, building supplies, clothes, and other necessities to these victims. You have the ability to bring comfort, peace, and restoration to hurting people. Will you join us?
Join with Two-Five this quarter in restoring the lives of those affected by Hurricane Ike. With every shirt purchased from you are changing the lives of those living in the aftermath of Ike. Over 40% of the proceeds from Ike relief shirts and 25% of all other shirts go towards providing food, building supplies, clothes, and other necessities to these victims. You have the ability to bring comfort, peace, and restoration to hurting people. Will you join us?