Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy FIRST Birthday, Two-Five Cloth!

This week, Two-Five Cloth had every reason to celebrate! ... After quite a bit of stress, lots of fun, and even more work, 25 had it's very FIRST BIRTHDAY! And, after only ONE YEAR, Two-Five Cloth changed FIVE LIVES A DAY!

On our first birthday, we reminisced about where we were a year ago...

And where we are now...

We celebrated the fact that we...
gave clean water to many people in Africa...
helped children walk that were born with club foot...
provided chickens to families in India ...
gave some relief to those that were
terribly affected by hurricane Ike...

And, now, in our 2nd year...we're doing something else to change the world...
we're helping feed starving children in Liberia!

Here are the facts...
It's heartbreaking, huh?
So, we're excited...and hopeful! We're ready to change even more lives in 2009...maybe that FIVE lives a day will double...and on 2-5-10, we can say that Two-Five Cloth changed TEN LIVES A DAY! The thought gives me chills!